Turning on the air conditioner to beat the heat is a necessity during the summer months. While using an air conditioner plays a key role in staying comfortable, there are quite a few common myths about keeping your home cool. Understanding these various myths will help you save money and avoid making a few simple mistakes.
Here are a few of the most common myths related to keeping your home cool during the summer.
1. Turning Off the AC While You’re Gone Saves Money
One common myth is that turning off your air conditioner while you are away from home will save you money. However, turning off your AC only forces it to work that much harder in getting your home cool once you return home. The better option is to slightly raise the temperature on your thermostat for staying energy efficient.
2. Closed Air Vents Save Energy
Many people close off air vents in unused rooms to save energy. However, your central air system will continue to distribute the same amount of air throughout your home, as you won’t be reducing your utility bill by closing any of your vents.
3. Leaving Your Ceiling Fans on Keeps Your Home Cooler
Ceiling fans are a great way to keep you cool while you are at your home. Unfortunately, ceiling fans are unable to cool off your home because they only circulate the nearby air. Turning off your ceiling fans while you are away will also save on your utility bill.
4) Bigger Is Always Better
Finding the right-sized AC system to cool your house is essential to energy efficiency. Buying a bigger unit won’t result in a cooler home, as it makes it difficult to cool your house evenly. Reaching out to an HVAC company is always the best option to help you determine the correct size unit for your home.
Cool Operator offers HVAC services for customers in South Elgin and the surrounding areas. We also specialize in other services, such as indoor air quality control, humidifiers, duct cleaning, and remodeling. Give Cool Operator a call to learn more!