You’ve probably heard of an issue in which there’s insufficient heat coming out of a heater. What you might be unfamiliar with is a situation in which too much heat is produced by a heater. Sometimes, a heater simply won’t turn off, no matter what you try. In this case, it’s a good idea to reach out for professional assistance. Not only is it uncomfortable to deal with a heater that constantly runs, but it can also lead to an expensive utility bill. If you live in the South Elgin, IL, region, Cool Operator would be happy to assist you with your heating repair.
Some Common Reasons
When we’re helping people figure out what’s going on with their heaters, we typically like to check out their thermostats first. That’s because the thermostat is often the culprit when heaters aren’t turning off when they’re supposed to. There could be an issue with the wiring, the switches, or the heat sensors, for example. Sometimes, these components can be repaired or replaced. At other times, the entire thermostat may need to be fixed. Fortunately, this is fairly straightforward, and modern thermostats can be much more advanced than older ones.
If it’s not the thermostat, it could be the primary controller, or it could be a defective check valve, among other things. When either of these components isn’t working properly, then your heater might not be able to turn off at the right time. All it takes is for one part of the system to be damaged or defective in order for a system-wide malfunction to occur. That faulty part can usually be addressed without disturbing the other components.
We Can Take Care of Your Heater
Cool Operator is based in South Elgin, and we travel throughout the region to assist our customers. We can handle installation, repair, and maintenance jobs for both heating and cooling units. In addition, we offer 24/7 emergency services and have maintenance programs that you can take advantage of. Give us a call with any questions or to schedule an appointment.